Oasis Diani Villas
Phone:+254 720 998 258 https://oasisdianivillas.com
Diani Sea Lodge
Phone:+254 791 57 7141 https://www.dianisealodge.de
Amani Luxury Apartments
Phone:+254741888888 http://www.amaniluxuryapartments.com

Carrefour Diani
Phone:0800 221 322 https://www.carrefour.ke/mafken/en/

Phone:040) 3202448 https://www.barclays.co.ke/personal/find-barclays-branch-kenya/index.html

Jet Ski Safari
Phone:+254 (0)772 121222 http://www.jetski-kenya.com
Diani Dhow Safari
Phone:+254 (0)720 637773 http://www.dianidhow.com

Diani Sea Resort
Phone:+254 (0)40 320 3438 http://www.dianisearesort.de
Malaika Nyumbani
Phone:0701396644 https://malaikanyumbani.weebly.com

Neptune Paradise Hotel

La Spa Diani
Phone:+254 725618567 http://laspadiani.com

I love Safari
Phone:+254 (0)772 121222 http://www.safari-in-kenia-24.de

Diving The Crab
Phone:+254 723 108 108 http://www.divingthecrab.com

Nomad Beach Bar & Restaurant
Phone:+254 738 333 888 http://thesandsatnomad.com

The Sands At Chale Island
Phone:+254 (0)725 546879 http://www.thesandsatchaleisland.com

Leonardo's Restaurant
Phone:0720501707 http://leonardos-restaurant-diani.com/

The Sands At Nomad Hotel
Phone:+254 725 373 888 http://www.thesandsatnomad.com

Swahili Beach
Phone:+254 707730753 http://swahilibeach.com

Mzima House
Phone:+254 703 773499 http://www.mzimahouse.co.ke

Cure & Care Pharmacy
Phone:+254 728 702388 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Care-Cure-Pharmacy/333609426814727?fref=ts

Qua Bruce Bar and Restaurant
Phone:0718131124 http://www.bed--breakfast.co.ke/

Pegasus Holding Limited
Phone:+254 717 466 156 http://www.pegasusholding.com

Molu Safaris
Phone:+254 (0)722 412301 http://molusafaris.com/en/

Kokkos Cafe Bistro
Phone:0721 565567 http://www.kokkoscafe.com/

African Pot Restaurant
Phone:+ (254) 723 644 707

Hotel Sonrisa
Phone:+254 717 468 829 http://www.hotelsonrisa.pl/en/hotel

Diani Cottages
Phone:+254 (0) 722 470382 http://www.diani-cottages.de

Diani Tours & Safaris
Phone:+254 72 384 5301 http://www.dianisafaris-kenya.com

Diani Reef Beach Resort and Spa Hotel
Phone:+254 723 786305 http://www.dianireef.com

Ocean Village Club
Phone:+254 (0)735 632 188 http://www.oceanvillageclubkenya.com

Pharmart Chemists Ltd
Phone:+254 738 065 685 http://pharmart.co.ke

Diani Beach Hospital
Phone:+254 (0)700 999 999 http://dianibeachhospital.com

Palm Beach Hospital
Phone:+254 724-699 101 http://www.palmbeach-hospital.com

Amber Villas
Phone:+254 720 639699 http://www.bougainvillas.com

Villa Savannah
Phone:+254 705 13 04 40 http://www.villasavannah.info

Kite Surfing @ Diani Beach
Phone:+254 (0)720 637773 http://www.aqualand-kenya.com

Marcopolo Safaris
Phone:+254 722 696 533 http://www.marcopolosafaris.com

Lady M Safaris
Phone:+254-733-728434 http://www.ladymsafaris.de/

D. M Tours & Safaris - Diani
Phone:+254 (0)40 3204015 http://www.dmtours.net/

Blue Marlin Fishing Club
Phone:+254 (0)720 637773 http://www.bluemarlinfishingclub.com

Ali Barbour's Cave Restaurant
Phone:+254 714 456131 http://www.alibarbours.co

Sails Beach Bar & Restaurant
Phone:+254 (0) 711 852 026 http://www.almanararesort.com/sails/

Aniello's Ristorante Pizzeria

Blue Marlin Seafood Beach Pub
Phone:+254(0)724100629 http://www.bluemarlin.co.ke

Havana Bar, Diani Beach
Phone:+254 (0)723 265 941 http://www.havana.co.ke

Lantana Appartments & Villas
Phone:+254 (0) 714 315 151 http://www.lantana-galu-beach.co.ke

Leisure Lodge Hotel
Phone:+254 722-206968 http://www.leisurelodgeresort.com